Immigration Justice Campaign is an initiative of American Immigration Council, American Immigration Lawyers Association.

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Immigration Justice Campaign Text Logo

Mariana's Story (English)

My 16-year-old son and I entered the United States on May 15 and that same day they separated us. They kept me two days in the “icebox” and from that day I didn't know anything about my son. Two days later they transferred me to a jail Otero, New Mexico. After six days they took me to court to plead guilty for having entered the United States illegally. That day was one of the darkest days of my life because they treated me like a criminal with my hands and feet chained. That same day they transferred me to a detention center in Texas called Montana. I was in that detention center until July 24. I suffered mistreatment there and sickness from worrying so much from not hearing anything from my son until that date.

Thank God they reunified me with my son and transferred us to where we are right now in Dilley, Texas where we now have over 30 days detained. The truth is that we are desperate here because there are people were are arriving and they leave more quickly than us but we trust God that this nightmare will end soon and we will finally get out to be with our families.

We thank God first for having given us such kind-hearted people to support us in our cases without pay and for having so much patience and treating us with so much friendliness. We are eternally grateful. Also thank you to the people who are fighting for our rights outside detention with protests and lawsuits because it isn't fair what they are doing to us who come with the illusion of a better life but they have treated us as the worse criminals but we trust in God that the laws will soon chance so that someday there is fair treatment for all. We also want to thank the people who have worried so much about us and who sent us letters. Seriously this has helped us enormously to not give up and keep fighting to someday get out of here with our heads held high because we haven't done anything wrong but they have tried to beat us down but I know that God is with us and if He is with us there is no one and nothing in this world that can defeat us.

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