Our Mission
Our mission is to increase free legal services for immigrants navigating our complicated immigration system and leverage the voices and experiences of those most directly impacted by our country’s immigration policies to inform legal and advocacy strategies. We bring together a broad network of volunteers who provide legal assistance and advocate for due process for immigrants with a humane approach that includes universal legal representation and other community-based support for individuals during their immigration cases.
The Campaign works with a wide range of pro bono allies to serve individuals who would otherwise go unrepresented. And we provide our volunteers with the knowledge and tools to zealously represent clients and advocate for a more fair, humane immigration system.
Who Should Volunteer?
We need your help. Sign up today:
- If you are a lawyer who would like to be trained and mentored to volunteer to represent detained immigrants; or
- If you can provide other critical support to pro bono legal teams (like interpretation).
Why Should You Join?
Your skills are needed whether or not you have removal defense experience. Justice Campaign volunteers will receive training, mentorship, and other support throughout their volunteer experience. Here’s what the Justice Campaign offers to volunteer lawyers:
- A broad array of opportunities to get involved;
- Curated training and orientation for lawyers new to immigration law;
- Innovative mentorship and technical assistance from removal defense legal experts;
- Opportunities to make your voice go further through advocacy and outreach;
- Connections to a community of passionate and dedicated lawyers.