Immigration Justice Campaign is an initiative of American Immigration Council, American Immigration Lawyers Association.

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Cristina's Story (English)

I entered the U.S. on May 26 and turned myself into immigration that day. They kept me in the “icebox” for four days and from there they took me to court handcuffed. Afterwards they put me in the “dog pound.” I was there 11 days. They treated me badly. After that they brought me to Port Isabel Detention Center where I was for two months.

They separated my son from me on May 26, 2018. They kept him in the “icebox” for 2 days and 4 days in the “dog pound” and then took him to Miami. They kept him there for two months and gave him back to me at Port Isabel on July 25, 2018. From Port Isabel they took us to another detention center in Dilley. I suffered a lot when they separated us and so did my son.

When I entered the U.S., immigration [officials] in McAllen, TX detained me and told me that my son was going to be adopted by another family and that I was going to be deported to my country. My son says that they treated him very badly because in the “dog pound” he had an asthma attack. He felt pressure on his chest and could not breathe. He asked an official for help because he didn’t feel well and the official told him that he had to wait until he arrived in Miami. When he arrived them took him straight to the doctor because he felt very sick. This is the very sad story that we lived. Thank you.

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