Sofia's Story (English)
Hello, I am a mother of a son. I entered the U.S. on May 22. I spent 2 days in the “icebox” before they separated me from my son without knowing anything about him or where they had taken him. They transferred me to the “dog pound” where they kept me for 7 days, still knowing nothing of my son. They translated me to another detention center called Port Isabel. After 6 days they transferred me to another detention center in Taylor, Texas where I spent 30 days. They transferred me back to Port Isabel where I spent desperate days without being able to speak to my son who I missed so much. I had never been separated from him for so long. They returned him to me after two months and transferred us to another detention center where we have been for a month. I still have not arrived at my final destination. I hope to arrive soon as I have been detained for three months and several days detained. I hope to get out of this place soon and be with my family.